Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Missionaries to Dinner

Elder Link from Seattle, Washington and Elder Hunt from Bakersfield, California came to dinner. Larry picked them up from their apartment and dropped them off after. Elder Hunt has been on his mission about a year. Before his mission he got a golf scholarship to BYU Hawaii and was there two semesters. He loved the islands; who wouldn't.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Banff National Park and Lake Louise

Banff and Lake Louise were brilliant. The waters of Lake Louise were a milky blue. The surrounding park had wide valleys and tall peaks. I love the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Holiday: Glacier National Park, Alberta and Banff Canada 2010

We drove through Glacier and noted the mass of pines as they created an ungulating wave up the mountains. We noted the classic coach cars for tours in the park. Larry's picture was taken by Lake McDonald. Logan's Pass is spectacular. As we drove over the border into Canada we noted that the pines gave way to grass lands. I could not see trees, billboards or overhead electric lines. It was a beautiful sight. We drove up to Calgary most of the way just noticing grass lands. Near Calgary more buildings that were lower were seen. As we left Calgary and drove to Banff the pines became a carpet again. We are staying at a quaint inn "The Georgetown Inn" in Canmore Canada bordering Banff. Tomorrow we visit Lake Louise.